Turn Workers Comp Straw Into Gold

But the parties have to provide the “straw”:
An Open Mind
One reason a case stays open may be that parties are not paying attention to what the other side views as important. Try to discard pre-conceived notions of what the other side needs and come to mediation willing to listen.
What does your side really need to settle this case? Is it purely a dollar figure—or are there non-monetary concerns? Which issues must parties resolve for settlement to happen? Communicating those issues to the mediator in advance makes for an efficient mediation.
A Willingness to Settle
The right people need to be at the mediation with adequate authority. Parties need to spend time calculating a reasonable settlement range in light of all factors before negotiation can bear fruit—or gold. The decision-maker must be at the mediation as well as any necessary support people. That might include family members, clergy, or other advisors to the injured worker, a nurse case manager or structured settlement broker for the employer. If the decision-maker can’t/won’t close the deal without the support person’s input, that person needs to be there or at least available by phone. Coming to mediation with the right people and proper authority shows respect for others at the table and enhances the opportunity for a good result.
When everyone brings the right straw to the bargaining table, they are likely to walk away with a golden settlement. Rumpelstiltskin is the bad guy of his story, but your mediator can be the hero of yours.