Resolving COVID-19 Coverage Questions

Unquestionably, the COVID-19 pandemic is hurting a variety of businesses. As soon as the extent of financial loss started to become obvious, insurers started seeing lawsuits.

Does the lockdown trigger business interruption insurance? What about pollution coverage? Special event coverage? Does actual notice of circumstance bring later claims within a claims-made policy period? Have workers sickened by the virus sustained an industrial injury? Can you collect on your completion bond? It could take years for the law to become close to settled on questions like these. Unfortunately, many companies will not be able to survive the litigation process.Mediation can provide a quick resolution. Mediation is an appropriate choice when:

• There is a close question

• Parties wish to avoid the risk of creating a legal precedent

•The economics favor resolution for a reasonable amount now as opposed to an extreme result later

Let’s talk now about the best way for you to bypass the litigation process.